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Secret Crush Seduction (The Heirs of Hansol) by Jayci Lee
Harlequin Desire – September 1, 2020
*Book Review copy provided by Harlequin Trade Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Earlier this year, I posted a glowing review of Jayci Lee’s Temporary Wife Temptation (February 1, 2020). Wow, that was really the same year? It seems like ages ago when I read this right after a trip to Philadelphia, PA, amidst starting a new semester of graduate school, but before COVID-19 really started affecting the U.S. Eons ago. Anyways, despite the variety of changes and challenges that the world faces, I’m still in need of absorbing romances that let me escape for a bit. After reading the second novel in the The Heirs of Hansol series, I can safely say that Jayci Lee is one of the authors I will immediate want to read anything she write. (side note I really need to read her other novel A Sweet Mess that release July 2020)
First, if you’re like to read my review of the first book in the series click here. Also, today I have a book excerpt for you! Read past my review to see it.

About the Book
She’s done waiting for what she really wants. Aspiring fashion designer Adelaide Song wants to prove she’s more than just a pampered heiress. All she needs is a little courage—and the help of deliciously sexy Michael Reynolds, her childhood crush and her brother’s best friend. But when her secret crush turns into an illicit liaison, Adelaide realizes mixing business with pleasure spells trouble for all her plans.
My Thoughts
I was thrilled to return to the world of Hansol with this second novel in the series! What I realized when returning to this series is that I love the female characters. In both the 1st and 2nd books, the heroines are ambitious, hard working, and accomplish their goals AND the men that are attracted to them love that they’re ambitious and want them to reach for the stars. After reading a few other billionaire trope romances, I think this dynamic was what was lacking for me. I want that upfront and center. While these novels have the ‘rich people living rich lives’ part of the story, it doesn’t drip with references to expensive brands or have the hero being a sugar daddy.
Moreover, Lee excels at writing vibrant characters with electric chemistry that kept me from setting down the novel. Despite the rather limit page count of the Harlequin Desire series, Lee does an excellent job of creating fully fleshed out characters with hopes, dreams, and baggage. This is truly astounding in such a short page count to create dynamic characters, a believable chemistry between the couple, and root for them to get a happily ever after.
My only issue with the novel was that at times the charity even that the heroine is passionate about that supports LearnAustism was a bit heavy handed. Despite this I still appreciate the inclusion in the book especially one that’s billed as a billionaire romance. I liked that Adelaide had talent and ambition and that she wanted to use it for good. Additionally, Lee leave breadcrumbs throughout the about Michael’s baggage from his previous marriage and why he thinks he cannot be with Adelaide long term. Without spoiling this, it was not really dealt with until late in the book and it seemed like a missed opportunity to really dive into the issue and how it impacts the couple. I chalk this up to Lee’s attempt to have fully fleshed characters within the parameters of Harlequin Desire. I’d much rather have these little issues with realistic characters and couple rather than flat dull characters.
Overall, I loved this follow up novel! I cannot wait to read the third novel, which will be out later this year and features Colin Song and Jihae Park. As mentioned earlier, Lee is now and auto-read writer for me and I cannot wait to see what else she writes! (still shipping James Song and Mrs. Kim from the first book)

Book Excerpt
“Michael, What are you doing here?” she asked, her expression schooled into a bored, sardonic smirk.
Michael ran his hand through his hair and tugged a fistful at the top of his head. His scalp felt stretched too tight.
“So her majesty, Grace Song, summoned you to check on me.” Angry splashes of color stained her cheeks. “Since when have you been her errand boy?”
“Don’t. Call. Me. That.” She pivoted and marched away from him.
“Damn it.” He went after her and stopped her trajectory by taking a firm grip of her hand. “She’s worried about you. Worried enough to call me to find you. What happened between you two?”
“We argued because I’m sick of being treated like a child. Ironically, I ran out of the house sobbing like one.” The rage vibrating through Adelaide seeped out of her, and her shoulders drooped in fatigue. “I could understand why she’s worried. She hasn’t seen me cry since I was seven. But enough is enough. I can’t go on like this.”
Now he understood why Mrs. Song had called him. Adelaide’s older brother, Garrett, was in New York with his wife and daughter, and Colin was probably unreachable. She had wanted this kept close to the family. Michael wasn’t family, but growing up, he’d spent more time at the Songs’ than at home. Plus, he was their publicist. She knew he’d be discreet about whatever state he found Adelaide in.
“I’m ready take my place at Hansol, but Hal-muh-nee shut me down with another ‘maybe next year.’ Hansol is my family’s legacy, and I want to be a part of its future.” Adelaide’s voice trailed off into a sad, forlorn sigh, and Michael wrapped his arms around her. He wanted to chase her sadness away, but the best he could do was listen. “She’s been saying that for the last two years. And next time when I ask her again, it’ll be the same answer. She doesn’t believe I have anything to contribute. I’m nothing but a clueless child to her.”
“That can’t be true. You’re one of the smartest people I know,” he said, running his hand through the silky strands of her long hair. Her arms tightened around him. “You’re far from being a clueless child, and your grandmother knows that better than anyone.”
“Then why is she keeping me out of Hansol?” She leaned back to meet his eyes. “She’s afraid I’ll tarnish Hansol’s reputation. She hasn’t forgiven me for my college days. Most of the crap in the tabloids didn’t even have a grain of truth in them. Yes, I partied hard and dated more than my fair share of guys, but I’m not an eighteen-year-old anymore.”
“I can’t imagine your grandmother being that small-minded. There has to be another reason, but you know her better than me. Besides, if that’s what you think, there’s an easy fix.” His arms still encircled her waist, and he was drawing slow circles on her lower back. When his brain registered what his hand was doing, he coughed and dropped his arms.
Adelaide arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms. He didn’t know if it was because she was waiting to hear his suggestion or because of his hurried step away from her. “Tell me more about this easy fix.”
His mind went blank. Her crossed arms had the effect of a bustier, pulling her breasts close and lifting them high. The sexy-as-hell scene at the club must have short-circuited his brain. He beat away his heightened awareness and focused on the shadowy outlines of the plan that had formed in his head.
About the Author

Jayci Lee writes poignant, funny, and sexy romance. She lives in sunny California with her tall-dark-and-handsome husband, two amazing boys with boundless energy, and a fluffy rescue whose cuteness is a major distraction. She is semi-retired from her 15-year career as a defense litigator, and writes full-time now. She loves food, wine, and travelling, just like her characters. Books have always helped her grow, dream, and heal. She hopes her books will do the same for you.
The Heirs of Hansol hit the spot for me. Not only are they fast paced, and often quick reads, but I love how the main characters always navigate their family and their personal desires. Their Korean culture is present and vibrant, making my mouth water, and grounding their struggles versus their family and ambition. Or desires. In Secret Crush Seduction Adelaide and Michael both struggle with this universal fear of not being good enough. For romance, family, and their future.